Blend characterized by a strong and decisive taste. It's full and consistent aroma is combined with an intense cremosity and strong shape. The aftertaste has significant persistence
Roast : Mediem.
Origin: Central America, South America & Asian - Africa.
The cappuccino capsules, compatible with the Dolce Gusto system, are suitable for those who want to enjoy a classic Italian breakfast. The rich and bold aromas of an intense espresso meet the smooth taste and creamy texture of milk froth.
Verzi Dolce Gusto Gran Crema x 50 capsules
A mix of fine coffees with a soft taste, fragrant, refined aroma, sweet taste and excellent intensity.
Verzi Dolce Gusto Aroma Forte. 100% Robusta.
Composed of the sweetest and finest coffees that bring out its particularly aromatic taste, this blend is created to obtain a full-bodied coffee.
Gusto Top
100% Arabica
Profumata miscela delle migliori qualità di Arabica dal gusto delicato e morbido e dalla piacevole acidità. Il suo aroma emana note floreali e armoniche, mentre la crema si presenta in tazza compatta e vellutata.
decaffeinated Dolce Gusto x 16 capsules
100%Robusta Decafeinated
Thanks to its decaffeination process, this blend returns all the full and delicate taste of coffee, leaving its aroma and taste unchanged.